Bone Health
What is Osteopenia and Osteoporosis?
Over time , our bones lose their natural strength and thickness . Our bones are at their strongest when we are in our 30's . For some people at around the age of 50 , the bones may start to lose the thickness to a point where they become moderately thinner and weaker in a condition called Osteopenia.
Unfortunately for some, the condition can progress to a more severe form called Osteoporosis where there is significant thinning of the bones. This results in a higher risk of fracture at the hip , spine and wrist if you were to fall.

Bone Health
As you get older, it becomes more important to look after the health of your bones but it is never too late or too early to start taking steps to protect your bones Improving the health of your bones decreases the chance of developing osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Here are 5 ways to help you to improve your bone health:
1. Maintain a healthy body weight
- helps maintain good bone health and prevent bone thinning
2. Lead and maintain an active lifestyle and exercise
- Targeted exercises and maintaining fitness can greatly improve muscle strength, coordination and balance
- It can also improve your confidence, especially if you have fallen in the past.
- can help in reducing the risk of falling and subsequent fractures
3. Eat well
- Many vitamins and minerals play a role in keeping bones healthy
- Vitamin D and calcium are especially important in maintaining strong bones
- Calcium is found in dairy products, green leafy veg, almonds
- Vitamin D is made under the skin from direct sunlight, or from taking vitamin D supplements
4. Avoid smoking
- Smoking slows down the cells that build bone, making them weaker
In women, smoking can increase the risk of early menopause, another risk factor for developing osteoporosis
5. Regulate your alcohol intake
- Alcohol not only increases the risk of osteoporosis, but it makes you unsteady on your feet making you more likely to have a fall resulting in a fracture
- The government recommends that you drink no more than 14 units per week, spreading them evenly between day
For more information and support on osteopaenia / osteoporosis and general bone health, please visit the Royal Osteoporosis Society website link below.
Online Support
The Royal Osteoporosis Society has a excellent website that provides information on:
- general bone health
- osteoporosis : signs and symptoms , investigations and treatments.
- living with osteopaenia /osteoporosis
- nutional advice
- practical exercises
NHS inform has some good general advice on the condition too.
Diet Advice
Maintain a healthy body weight
● If you are underweight or overweight this increases your risk of developing osteopaenia and osteoporosis.
● Use the BMI calculator to find out whether you are in the healthy range
<18 - underweight
18-25 - healthy weight
25-30 - Overweight
> 30 - Obese
Click on the link for weight loss support if you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.
Balance, strength and coordination.
A physiotherapist can help with information and support with exercise and balance training
An occupational therapist can support with optimisation and maintaining your functional ability and quality of life through home adaptations or mobility aids. They can be contacted through Social Care Direct on 0131 200 2324
A podiatrist can discuss give helpful advice on the benefits of good footwear support to aid mobility and prevent falls.
Steady Steps with Edinburgh Leisure
Targeted exercises and maintaining fitness can help greatly by improving overall strength. which in turn, reduces the risk of falling and fractures. In addition, regular exercises on balance and coordination can improve your confidence especially if you have fallen in the past. see the adjacent link for Steady steps run by Edinburgh Leisure.
The benefits of being active and exercise:
Being regulalry active is not only good for your bones but is also great for your heart. By combining different forms of exercise such as weight-bearing exercises, muscle-strengthening exercises, endurance training strengthen you bones. It also helps with general muscle strength, improving balance and coordination and confidence in you mobility thus reducing your risk of falling.