Mobility Issues and Falls
Why Do Falls Happen?
Several things can cause a fall to happen, however chest pain, dizziness or blackouts should always be investigated. However, as we get older, we can sometimes become a little unsteady on our feet. We can have problems with coordination, balance, strength, and confidence. Using a mobility aid may prevent a life-changing injury from a fall such as a hip fracture. If you feel like you or someone you know would like some extra help, please call the social care team on 0131 200 2324 and request a falls assessment.
Our Top 10 Tips to Avoid Falls
- Check your eyesight
- Be aware of mobility changes and exercise tolerance
- Don’t overdo it, do what you can manage not what you think you should manage
- Wear appropriate footwear, with support and grips
- Look after your feet
- Take your time, do not get up from bed or chairs quickly
- Steady yourself before beginning to move
- Make sure surroundings are clear and well-lit to avoid tripping hazards such as rugs
- Keep as active as you can, muscle wastage is the enemy!
- Eat well and stay hydrated

If I Fall, Who Do I Call?
- Use a phone to Call 999 or 111 if in reach.
- Do not try and move, assistance can and will come and help you up you may do more damage moving.
- Press the community alarm around your neck or wrist if you have one.
- If you have a smart device such as an iPhone or speaker, shout 'Hey Siri/Google/ Alexa call 999 or 111' or ask them to call a relative/friend/neighbour of choice.
- If all else fails try making as much noise as possible to gain attention such as shouting, screaming or banging.
Prevention and Preparation for Falls
'Up and About'- A leaflet with information about preventing falls.
The Edinburgh Falls Prevention Pathway- A great resource on falls.
'Getting Up' Videos- How to get up in different situations.
Falls Assistant - A free bank of exercises
Steady steps - A programme run by Edinburgh leisure
Alarms and Mobility Aids
Community alarms are sourced through Social Care Direct call them on to start the process of referral 0131 200 2324.
By using a mobility aid, you can prolong your independence and feel more comfortable and safer carrying out daily activities. There are lots of different pieces of equipment that are beneficial. To see what types of aid would help you and your personal situation, please fill out the form here.
Podiatry Services
You may be struggling with mobility due to issues with your feet such as long toenails, in-growing toenails, dry skin or calluses. Taking care of your feet is important and it’s something that gets trickier for us all when we lose our flexibility. If you are finding taking care of your feet challenging, please do not suffer, fill in this referral form for the podiatry to assist you in foot care and nail cutting.