
Appointments System
The surgery is open from 08:00 until 18:00 Monday to Friday. Consultations are by appointment only.
Routine ppointments can be booked in advance for face to face , telephone or by webcam.
Appointments and can be arranged via online request, visiting the surgery or telephoning reception. It is very helpful to provide our reception team for a brief description of your problem, so that they can ensure you are seen by the most relevant clinician or service.
For urgent issues, please call the practice 0131 552 7676 and state this clearly to the reception staff. The reception team will need a description of your urgent request and a contact telephone number. A message will then be sent to the duty Doctor who will call you back and arrange an appointment, medication or provide advice over the phone.
Home Visits
If you require a home visit please request this before 11am where possible. Home visits are intended for those who are housebound and unable to attend the practice.
Please give as much information as possible to the medical centre assistant who answers your call. This information is then passed to the clinical team and enables them to plan efficiently.
You will need to provide a contact number for the clinician to call you back.

Hospital Waiting Times
If your GP has referred you to a speciality. You can now search to find out the current waiting times to be seen.
This site is run by NHS lothian and is regularly updated. The waiting time is shown in weeks by specialty, priority and age band.
- Local specialty: This can be found on the letter which is sent to patients when they are added to the relevant waiting list.
- Priority: When a patient is added to a waiting list, a clinician determines how quickly they need to be seen (routine or urgent).
- Age band: Wait times vary across adult and paediatric services- these have been split.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. There is only so much time in the day, and this ensures that valuable clinical time is spent helping patients.
If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend for whatever reason, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Those that default from an appointment more than 3 times with no good reason will be removed from the practice.
Local Hospital Numbers
- The Royal Infirmary: 0131 242 1000
- Western General Hospital: 0131 537 1340
- Royal Hospital for Sick Children: 0131 536 2021
- St Johns Hospital: 01506 522 180
- Leith Community Treatment Centre: 0131 536 6225
- Royal Edinburgh Hospital: 0131 537 6000
- Inchkeith House (Chiropody & Mental Health): 0131 537 4530
- Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion: 0131 536 1628
- Murrayfield Hospital: 0845 609 0363
- Lauriston Building: 0131 536 4160 (Dermatology, Ear Nose & Throat, Orthopaedics)