Mental Health Resources
A Word from Bangholm...
Our colleagues and clinicians are regularly updating these pages and highlighting local and helpful mental health resources support and advice. Please remember, if you are needing more advice, you can always contact us and make an appointment with one of our members of our clinical team , whether it be one of our nurse practionners, associate physicians or general practionners.
Perinatal, Child & Young Adult Mental Health Resources
Crisis Contacts

When You Need To Speak With Someone Urgently
Breathing Space- 0800 83 85 87- Mon-Thur 6pm-2am, 24hrs at weekends.
Samaritans- 0131 229 9999- 9am-10pm or 0845 790 9090 - 24/7. or email
Edinburgh Crisis Centre- 0808 801 0414 - 24/7 or text 07974 429 075 or email (overnight accomodation offered)
Papyrus Hopeline- 0800 068 41 41- for young people with suicidal thoughts.
Young Minds- Text 'YM' to 85258 - A messenger for young people expieriencing a mental health crisis.

Edinburgh Crisis Centre
You can contact the dedicated crisis centre 24/7, 7 days a week via telephone , video, and face to face appointment.
0808 801 0414
This excellent support service is available for adults over 16 years of age who are facing a mental health crisis, specificially they can help with anxiety , low mood , self harm + suicidal thoughts , bereavement issues
They also offer a place to stay for up to a week, and run art and yoga classes. They also provide infomation about benefit and debt issues, housing information, drug misuse, and relationship difficulties.
Mental Health , Neurodiversity and Well-Being Issues
Online Resources
Useful Websites and Apps
iThrive- Self-help resources and information about local events, organisations and counselling agencies.
Mind is an excellent website promoting mental health and emotional wellbeing. It has extensive resources and information with a variety of mental health issues.
Mood Juice- Help for a range of emotional problems and guides for anxiety, depression, self esteem, sleep and anger.
Woebot- A free App, Woebot is a 'chatbot' that is able to suggest a range of clinically approved resources.
Brothers in Arms- A charity specifically for Men, destigmatising talking about mental health.
Sleepio- A digital sleep improvement program. The 6-week CBT based course that provides you skills to overcome sleep issues.

Sorted: Mental Health App
The 'Sorted: Mental Health' App is a free, excellent evidence based audio programme that help build essential skills to deal with mental stresses and strains.
You can access special audio tracks that are specially designed and proven to help with relaxation of the mind and body , lift mood, reduce anxiety and improve sleep
For more info please click on the adjacent link to see how it works.
username: lothianwidef1
password: positive
Self-Help Books
Download the excellent list of self-help books /CDs recommended by the NHS Psychology team that are commonly available in your local library.
Topics include how to manage common mental healthissues such as:
- depression
- anxiety/worry- including OCD, health and social anxiety
- stress
- anger management
- bereavement
- Addictions: alcohol, gambling
- Trauma
- eating disorders
- self-esteem
- sleeping issues
Talking therapy
Information on Treatments
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective form of psychotherapy to help a variety of mental health issues. The treatment centres on exploring on how your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs can affect how you feel and act in certain situations.
For more information on CBT click on the hyperlink below:

There are various classes of medications available to help anxiety, depression, psychosis, insomnia, panic attacks and these are best exploring with the clinical team. Helpful websites like Mind and NHS inform which discuss these in more detail regarding how they work, side effects, interactions and how they need to be taken.
Medication Review
Medication Review
If you take anti-depressant, tranquillisers, anti-psychotic or mood stabiliser medication regularly, we think it is important to periodically review how your mental health and general well being is while taking this medication. The GP will often put a note on the prescription or text you when it is time to have a review.
A medication review can take place either face-to-face, telephone, or as video 10 minute consultation. Alternatively, you can complete our medication review form online which takes a few minutes. The form will be passed to one of our GP's to review the answers and they will decide based on the information whether we simply continue with treatment, advice changes in dose/medication type or consider stopping if the timing is right. Sometimes we may ask for you to arrange for more in-depth review if we feel further discussion is needed.
You can access the medication review form via the link below. We are very grateful when completing this form, the questions are answered as fully as possible in order for us to get a good understanding of how you are coping. In addition, for us to get a better understanding, you may find it helpful to fill in the depression and anxiety screening forms as well which also only take only a few minutes.
Local Thrive Drop Ins
The Thrive team work together using practical and solution-focused support to help address the impact of mental health issues a person is experiencing to help improve their quality of life.
Their excellent and comprehensive website has a wealth of inromation support and directory of resources iThrive | Home (
If you see one of our clinical professionals (GP, NP, PA) or the psychiatry team, if appropriate, they may also refer you to their services and you will be contacted by a member of the ithrive team in due course. The first contact from them will be either face-to-face or telephone assessment to help understand the issue at hand. They will then explore potential solutions and identify areas of support.
The team offers short term periods of support but once you have worked with the service, you can self -refer for further contact without needing to see your GP/NP again.
Open Access Service
Open access clinics are a drop-in service that runs fortnightly available to help deal with practical issues around their mental health. This open access service importantly does not require a referral from us. The criteria for accessing the service is
- 18-64 years of age
- suffering from current mental health distress
- and registered at the practice with us
They can help find solutions to dealing with difficult emotions, stress, low confidence, anxiety, depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts. socially isolated.
The clinics run fortnightly between 1-3pm on a wednesday at The Rannoch Centre, 6 Rannoch Terrace, Edinburrgh, EH4 7ES.
Upcoming drop-in clinics for 2023 are on:
- 12 & 26th july
- 9th & 23rd aug
- 6th & 20th sept
- 4th & 18th oct
- 1st & 15th nov
- 29th nov & 13th Dec