Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most successful, evidence-based type of psychotherapy.
It concentrates on identifying the current challenges or situations you face, analysing the thoughts , emotions and behaviours related to the problem and come up with useful solutions to help manage it better for the future and also improve your state of mind.
It is very useful for several types of anxiety. It can also help if there are issues with depression, low self-esteem, anger and stress issues, and chronic sleeping difficulties.
There are several ways to access CBT:
1: Self-Guided Help via health in mind (one-to-one sessions with a councellor with self-help material to work on between sessions)
2: Online Therapy Session- Beating the blues, daylight, Mood Gym
3: Feeling Good or daylight app
4: Telephone sessions with a therapist through Living Life.
See below to see how to access these resources.
To understand further how CBT works and how it could help you , please click here for further information from the official Royal College of Pyschiatrists website.

Feeling Good- CBT App
Feeling Good is a brilliant free app for both android and apple phones, that uses relaxation, CBT and resilience building techniques to help improve positive feelings, self esteem and self-confidence. They also include ways to improve sleep. Carefully and thoughtfully devised by a local GP and Psychologist in Leith -which has helped thousands of people in Edinburgh and scotland with mental health issues. Highly recommended app!
Login details:
Username : lothianwidef1
Password: positive
Daylight App
Daylight- Is an excellent free digital CBT online program that you can self -refer to. It is a 6week program aimed at managing generalised worry and anxiety. Improvement is often seen within 4-6 weeks. For more info on the course and on how to self-refer, click on the adjacent link.
Online Psychological therapies - CBT
NHS psychology team are providing free online interactive treatment programme to help depression, anxiety and general improvement in well-being . It consists of 6-8 one hour weekly online sessions which have various tasks involved including watching video clips, undertaking exercises, and learning useful techniques in managing depression and anxiety. Click on the adjacent link for more information.
Telephone CBT
The Living Life service offers support to people in Scotland through cognitive behavioural therapy.
Who is the service for?
Living Life is a free phone service offering therapy for anyone in Scotland over 16 years of age with:
- low mood
- mild to moderate depression
- anxiety
You'll be offered an initial appointment to ensure Living Life is best suited to your needs. If so, you'll be offered a series of telephone support sessions.

How Living Life can help
If negative thoughts and feelings are affecting your daily life, specialist help may aid your recovery. Living Life uses a type of talking therapy to help you recognise unhelpful thought patterns and positive ways of coping.
How does it work?
The support you'll receive will be tailored to your needs. You'll benefit from:
- regular telephone contact with a trained professional to discuss your difficulties. (4-6 sessions depending on clinical need)
- appointments at a time convenient to you
access to support materials - The support sessions will enable you to react more positively to difficult situations whilst improving your confidence and self-esteem.
You can refer yourself for an assessment by phoning 0800 328 9655 (Monday to Friday: 1pm - 9pm).
Guided Self-Help CBT
Run by our colleagues at Health in Mind
Is an excellent resource run by our colleagues at Health In Mind. The therapy will comprise of four sessions, often fortnightly, with the guidance of a worker related to managing symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.
This worker will carry out an initial assessment and tailor materials they think will best help you. Please click here to open the information leaflet for these sessions. 0131 225 8508.
This type of CBT requires a GP/NP referral; if you think it could be of help, please get in touch and book an appointment with one of our clinicians. It would be very helpful to fill in the depression and anxiety screening questionnaires prior to your appointment to help with our assessment.