Alcohol, Smoking and Addiction Services
The Bangholm clinical team have put together useful resources to help support people who feel their alcohol or smoking is affecting their health and looking how to change. We have also added sections on addiction issues highlighting:
+ excellent local community services that help support drug misuse like cocaine and opiate addictions.
+ useful websites for support for addictions
+ tip on cutting down alcohol consumption safely
+ smoking cessation services

What is Addiction?
Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you. Addiction is a treatable condition. If you would like to access our drug misuse service, please contact the practice.
You may need help if:
• You often feel the need to have a drink/use drugs
• You get into trouble because of your drinking/drugs
• Other people warn you about how much you are drinking
Support at Bangholm
Our own GP, Dr Steve Allan, oversees the care and management of our patients struggling with addiction and drug misuse issues. Dr Allan offers a safe space to discuss these matters and can help patients make positive choices to improve their health and overcome their addictions.
If you feel that you need help with any drug misuse, please contact the practice on 0131 552 7676 where we would be happy to help.
Useful Support
The iThrive Website has some great guides and resources on their webpage for all types of addictions including drug, alcohol , but also less known addictions like gambling and sex addictions.
Change Grow Live (CGL) North West Recovery Service offers advice, guidance, and support for all types of drug and alcohol misuse issues. CGL offers tailored one-to-one support, recovery planning, group work, access to harm reduction information and more.
You can contact the service on 0131 469 5044 or email or click on the adjacent logo for more information.
Craigroyston Heath Centre, 18 Pennywell Road, Edinburgh, EH4 4PH
They also have a DROP-IN service open mon, wed, friday (10-3pm)
Alcohol Issues
Tips To Reduce Alcohol Consumption / Cutting Down
If you drink regularly it is important that you do not stop drinking immediately or as they say, 'go cold turkey' as this can lead to alcohol withdrawal. In some severe cases, it can be life threatening or cause prolonged seizures and permanent brain damage.
It is recommended you cut down slowly, reducing by a few units a week. Most people do not do this alone and receive support and help along the way, a good place to start would be contacting your GP or having a look at the resources on this page. Keeping a drinking diary may also be useful to track your progress. See the Link below to SHAAP who give excellent advice how to successfully detox from alcohol.
Tips on safer drinking when out:
• make a plan / limit before going out about how much you plan to drink
• Drink more slowly
• Drink with food
• Swap stronger drinks for weaker ones (lower ABV in %)
• Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks
• Avoid ‘buying rounds’ as you tend to drink more
• Try to avoid social situations where drinking is the main activity
• Let your friends and family know you are cutting down
Recommended Alcohol Guidelines
Alcohol is a toxic chemical that can have serious health side effects if consumed over the recommended amount, these include: increasing your risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, liver disease, damage to your nerves, pancreatitis, mental health issues, affecting your mood and even affecting how well you sleep.
These risks increase if you frequently binge drink (drink lots of alcohol in a single occasion). Binge drinking can lead to accidents resulting in injury or death due to the loss of inhibitions and increased risk taking behaviour when intoxicated.
Death and disability caused by alcohol is more than twice as high amongst men than women in Scotland (2018).
There is no ‘safe’ amount of alcohol consumed however NHS Scotland recommends for both men and women drinking no more than 14 units a week and spreading this over 3 or more days with several ‘drink free’ days, to avoid binge drinking. This is considered ‘low-risk drinking’.
If you’re not sure how much your drinking, you can calculate your weekly units in the above link.
Alcohol Support Online
Alcohol Change UK
Is a great website to help:
- support people and their families with alcohol issues
- practical tips on cutting down
- Give the facts about how alcohol affects your physical and mental health
- above unit calculator helps to find out whether your drinking habits are harmful
Click on the logo link adjacent to explore further.
LEAP (Lothian and Edinburgh Abstinence Project) offers residential rehabilitation treatment and post-care support for those with substance dependence use who want to achieve a substance-free recovery.
The programme runs for 3 months that includes a variety of groupwork, presentations, workshops, education and training activities. Detoxification for modest amounts of drug and alcohol can also be done.
Post care support can also go on for up to 2 years after finishing the programme.
For further information, please telephone on 0131 446 4400 or email at:
Please note, the LEAP service requires referral from a health professional. If you would like to be referred to this service, please contact our own GP, Dr Steve Allan.
Crossreach Sunflower Garden Project
Tel: 0131 220 2488
Family Outreach Service:
Sunflower Garden works in partnership with Circle Harbour Project to provide support across the city for families affected by drug and alcohol use.
As part of this service, Sunflower Garden provides 1:1 therapeutic support to children and young people on an outreach basis, usually in school. This support is varied and can be tailored to meet the individual needs of the child. To make a referral please contact us directly or, alternatively, contact the Family Outreach Worker for your area:
South East – 07921 700539
North East - 07703714761
North West - 07903248740
South West – 07903822059

Individual Counselling and Art therapy
Children and young people can receive support through our counselling service based in Simpson House, Queen Street. Counselling is open ended and offered weekly by our team of committed counselling staff and volunteers. There is a few months’ waiting time, but CYP can access therapeutic groups while waiting.
Group work for children affected by parental alcohol use
This group helps children and young people express their feelings and to make sense of their situations. It helps them understand more about alcohol use and to build relationships with other people who have similar experiences.
Support for Under 18s - ASUS
ASUS offers treatment and support for young people (aged 18 and under), living in Edinburgh or East Lothian who are experiencing difficulties related to substance use.
ASUS offers:
- 1:1 appointments
- Therapeutic interventions.
- Motivational Interviewing
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
To self-refer to this service, please text 07969 200 984 or email
249 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ
Smoking Cessation Support
There are two main routes to access smoking cessation support.
1: Local Pharmacy Support - Many pharmacy offer smoking cessation support (small charge for the service)
2: Quit Your Way Services (Free- NHS Lothian)
Quit Your Way Services deliver free stop smoking support and are provided by specialist practitioners at Pennywell All Care Centre, Edinburgh, EH4 4UA.
Sessions are very informal, and our friendly practitioners will discuss the products that can help you quit. Support usually last for 12 weeks or until you have finished any stop smoking medication and feeling confident staying quit.

Services offered include:
- Drop In
- Group Rolling Support
- One to One Support
- Smoking in Pregnancy
- Telephone Support
- Youth Services
Services offered include:
- Drop In clinics
- Group Rolling Support
- One to One Support
- Smoking in Pregnancy
- Telephone Support
- Youth Services
On your first appointment your advisor will discuss your smoking habits and talk about what options will work best for you. They can tailor your quit plan to include free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, NRT (if appropriate) and useful coping strategies.
From then on, you'll have weekly support sessions where your advisor will check on your progress, provide encouragement, advise you on next steps and help motivate you to quit and stay quit.
Please contact NHS Lothian Quit Your Way. 0131 286 5113 or fill in online form Request a service to contact you | NHS inform
Useful Contacts
Alcoholics Anonymous Helpline:
0845 769 7555
Narcotics Anonymous Helpline:
0300 999 1212
Cocaine Anonymous Helpline
0141 959 6363 or 0800 612 0225
Gamcare Scotland - gambling addictions
- offer range of interventions and 1:1 councelling sessions in Edinburgh
0808 8020 133,
Smart Recovery UK
Addiction Recovery App
Scottish Recovery Consortium
Edinburgh Recovery Activities
0131 555 9124