Children Under 5
Having a new baby can raise a number of unexpected challenges. Bangholm Medical Centre is on hand to help new parents through this time and you can utilise this click-through resources to arm yourself with the right information to feel confident in the early years of your child’s healthcare.
Which illnesses require you to inform school or nursery about.
- Hand, foot and mouth
- Glandular fever
- Head lice
- Tonsillitis
- Threadworms
- Slapped cheek

What infections do I need to keep them away from nursery or school?
Below is a list of conditions recommended by the government and public health:
at least 5 days from the onset of the rash and until all blisters have crusted over
Diarrhoea and Vomiting
48 hours after their last episode
Cold and Flu-like illness (including COVID-19)
they no longer have a high temperature and feel well enough to attend. Follow the national guidance if they've tested positive for COVID-19.
their sores have crusted and healed, or 48 hours after they started antibiotics
4 days after the rash first appeared
5 days after the swelling started
they've had their first treatment
Scarlet Fever
24 hours after they started taking antibiotics
Whooping Cough
48 hours after they started taking antibiotics