Developmental Milestones
Developmental concerns
Children develop in their own time so please don’t worry too much if your child is not meeting all the developmental milestones for their expected age range exactly. It is worth noting if your child was born premature or was unwell as a baby, you might need to look at an earlier range. It is also common for one area of development to come quicker than another.
However, if you are increasingly concerned with the progress of your child's development, please speak to your health visitor 0131 551 4555 in the first instance or look at our health visitors page
Please se below are some useful websites, which we as professionals recomend for extra information and support.
- The NHS Glasgow website has an excellent interactive website provides general guidance on developmental milestones for children: here. Alternatively you can download it in a document format which helpfully outlines the expected developmental milestones and when you should look out for them: here.
- 'Parent Club' and 'Ready Steady Toddler' are two really helpful websites that provides great tips on common parenting issues toddlers, everything from setting up routines, dealing with tantrums, healthy eating and potty training.
Speech and Language concerns
Speech and Language Therapy Helpline Service
If you have queries or concerns regarding your child’s speech, language and communication please call the Speech and Language Therapy Helpline Service.
Tuesdays 9-10am or Thursdays 1-2pm 07774622520
Anyone can call if they would like to talk to a Speech and Language Therapist for advice. You don’t need to go to your GP, Health Visitor or school to access this service.
Also please have a look at the NHS lothian speech and language team has a great website: They provide excellent information for parents/families to support children’s speech, language and communication in the early years.
Movement and mobility concerns
If you think your child is experiencing a delay in their physical development, such as issues with their motor skills, you get in contact with a Physiotherapist: 0131 312 2347 (Thursday mornings 9am-11am)
Bladder and Bowel Issues
The Eric Chairty organisation has an excellent website which has useful resources and interactive information on how to reduce the impact of continence problems on the child and their families.