Vasectomy advice

What is a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a form of male sterilisation where the tubes carrying sperm are cut. It’s an operation done under local anaesthetic when you are awake but the scrotum is numbed so you do not feel any pain. The operation takes about 15 minutes total.


For further information on what is involved in a vasectomy follow this link

Key things to consider..

It is important to make sure you want a vasectomy, reversing the operation is very difficult and often isn’t available on the NHS. You should be sure that you do not want any more children before considering the procedure. It may also be helpful to discuss having the procedure with your partner, although this is not a legal requirement.

How do I get further assessment for a Vasectomy?

To get a vasectomy you can self-refer to the Chalmers Centre in Edinburgh directly by phoning 0131 536 1512 or book an appointment to see your GP if you wish to discuss it further.