Snoring Issues

How Can I help reduce my snoring ?

Snoring can be a real nuisance, both for you or anyone sharing your space. It is a very common problem, and is caused simply by the vibration or the soft tissues that surround the airway at the back of the throat. It is more commonly seen during phases when you are in deep sleep when the muscles in your tongue, neck and throat are more relaxed.

Stopping snoring is probably not very realistic especially as we get older. However, reducing the severity and frequency of snoring episodes can often be achieved through some simple lifestyle changes and home remedies. Here are a few tips that might help see below:


change the bed environment

  1. change your sleep position to your side helps to prevent your tongue blocking your throat
  2. elevate the head of your bed with more pillow by a few inches can help keep your airways open
  3. Humidifier can help prevent internal nasal passages from drying out and becoming irritated, swollen and inflammed

physical changes


1: losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight can reduce chances of snoring by reducing the pressure on your throat

2: clear nasal passages before you go to bed with salt sprays or steroid nasal sprays if you suffer with nasal or sinus congestion.

3: keep it cool! avoid overly warm bedroom as this increases the risk of the airways becoming dry and irritated.

diet and lifestyle changes

1: Avoid alcohol before bed - alcohol relaxes the tongue and throat muscles, increasing the chances of snoring . Avoid drinking at least 3 hours  before bedtime

2: Stop smoking - smoking causes airway swelling , inflammation and increased mucus production. Nicotine also reduces muscle tone in throat increasing the chances of snoring

3: Specific tongue exercises before bed time have been shown to be quite effective at increasing throat /tongue muscle tone and thus reducing snoring - see the link below