What is prediabetes?
Prediabetes is a term we use if your blood sugar levels are high enough to be considered as borderline diabetes. It means you are at higher risk of developing diabetes in the future.
You may not have symptoms initially but if left unaddressed, the condition can progress to diabetes where you may start to notice:
- going to the toilet more often, especially at night
- feeling more tired, because your body can't get enough glucose in to your cells for energy
- genital itching or thrush
- cuts and wounds taking longer to heal
- blurred vision
- feeling extremely thirsty.

Preventing Diabetes
The key risk factors for developing diabetes are a family history of diabetes, increasing age, certain cultural backgrounds, being overweight and becoming increasingly inactive.
There are many people in the UK who have prediabetes but with the right actions, progression to diabetes can be prevented.
The key measures to prevent diabetes are:
1: ensuring you have a healthy diet
2: maintaining a healthy weight
3: being active and excercising regularly
Diabetes UK is a great website for more detailed information on the topics above click on the link below.
Weight loss support
We are all different shapes and sizes but working out your BMI (body mass index) is a useful marker for working out what your optimal weight should be.
- A healthy BMI is somewhere between 18-25
- Overwieght is above 25
- Obese is above 30
Being overweight or obese will increase your chances of having prediabetes and diabetes.
It can be difficult task trying to lose weight as it often requires a shift in lifestyle over a long period time. If you are overweight or obese and struggling to lose the weight on your own. You can fill in the form below for a referral to our NHS dieticians. They run an excellent weight reduction programme, where they can give professional and specialist advice on how to lose weight effectively.

Exercise and being more active
Exercise has huge benefit for your mental and physical well being. Honestly there are so many benefits for being active that it is too long to list here!
In the context of diabetes, being regularly active can help reduce weight and importantly improve your metabolism (how efficient you can convert food into energy) The fitter you are, the less energy is converted to fat and more is used and stored in your muscles. It is this switch that helps to reduce the risk of progressing to Diabetes.
Click here for more detail and practical advice on the benefits of increased activity.
Fit for Health is an Edinburgh Lesiure scheme available to those patients who have been diagnosed with Prediabetes or Diabetes.
They run a free 16 week exercise programme. and discounted offers on other activitis like swimming, fitness classes and gym access. Click below and fill in the form if you would like to be referred.