Minor Surgery at Bangholm
What is 'Minor' Surgery?
Minor surgery at Bangholm Medical Centre is held in a clinic within the practice every 2-4 weeks. The clinic is for removal of excisions of superficial skin lesions and lumps just underneath the skin.
Minor Surgery at Bangholm
Dr Darran Hill , is our GP who carries out elective minor surgery procedures here in the practice with the help of Shelly or Gillian .

Eligibility Criteria
To meet the criteria to remove the lesion under the NHS - the lesion must be :
- Causing recurrent irritation, bleeding or pain. (Unfortunately, we cannot remove lesions purely for cosmetic purposes).
- Lesion located on the torso or limb. (Face, scalp and sometimes hand / foot lesions require a GP or NP referral to a team with more specialist experience and equipment for removal).

Sending a Photo
Please attach a photo of the lesion and send it for the attention of Dr Hill via email address vc.s70272@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk . Please add some details including:
1: Where the lesion is on you body?
2: How long its been there for?
3: What is the reason for wanting the Lesion removed ?
Images will take 48-72 hours to be processed and reviewed.
Replies to emails will come either through text message service (if you have signed up for this) or a call from reception to notify you if you have been added to the waiting list.
Waiting time to come to clinic is roughly 1-2 months. You will be sent a letter in the post inviting you to call and book an appointment on the day the clinic will run.
Cancellation of an Appointment
If you need to cancel an appointment please call reception desk on 0131 552 7676 . Please inform us ideally at least 48 hrs in advance, so we can offer it to another patient. We understand if last minute cancellations are required. However, taking into account the scarcity of this type of appointment together with the long waiting time, any DNA's from this clinic without prior notification will risk removal from the waiting list.