A learning disability is an umbrella term that covers many different conditions.
Someone who has a learning disability may have some trouble:
- Learning new skills
- Understanding complex information
- Living independently
No two people with learning disabilities are the same. However, learning disabilities may be grouped into mild, moderate and severe. This is based upon the level of support needed.

It is not always known what causes learning disabilities. Often, it is because someone's brain development can be affected in the womb, during birth, or in early childhood.
Here are a few causes of learning disability:
- Genetic conditions such as Down’s Syndrome and Fragile X syndrome
- The mother becoming ill during pregnancy
- Problems during labour and birth that mean not enough oxygen gets to the baby’s brain
- An illness or injury in early childhood
Conditions such as Autism and ADHD are not learning disabilities. We call this neurodivergence. This is because they cause somebody’s brain to work differently, but they may not necessarily have difficulties with learning. However, someone could be neurodivergent and have a learning disability.
People with learning disabilities can have poorer mental and physical health than people without. This can be related to their specific condition, but can also be due to problems with communication that mean healthcare professionals are seen later.
For this reason, it is very important that everyone over 14 with a learning disability has an Annual Health Check.
During an Annual Health Check, a member of the team will see you in clinic. They will try to identify if there are any physical or mental health problems so they can be sorted out early. You do not have to be ill to have an annual health check, and most people are usually well at the time.
To have an annual health check, make sure you are on the learning disability register. If you are, the practice will contact you when it is time to have your health check.
If you want to be placed on the register, or want an assessment for learning disabilities, contact us on:
TEL: 0131 552 7676

Lots of things can be done to help with communication during your appointments:
- Book a double appointment if you need more time
- Print out this communication card and fill in your communication needs. Then, take it with you to your appointments: Spread.indd (changepeople.org)
- Don't be afraid to speak up during your appointment if you are finding it difficult to understand the information
- You can ask for pictures to be used during your appointments if it helps you
- If you need more time to understand health information, see if easyread helps. This is a way of writing that uses words that are easier to understand. Go to Useful Links below, and click on Changepeople Easy Read Resources or NHS Lothian Learning Disabilities Page. Here, you will find easyread leaflets for many different common health problems.

Lots of people who have learning disabilities are able to live alone, work, get qualifications and have happy relationships.
It may be that a little extra help and accommodations are needed. A Link Worker can help you to find the best local schemes to provide the support needed.
A GP can refer you to our link worker, Danny.
Find out more here:
Link Worker - Bangholm Medical Centre (scot.nhs.uk)
NHS Learning Disability Information Page
Learning disabilities - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
NHS Lothian Learning Disabilities Page:
Learning Disabilities – NHS Lothian | Our Services
Changepeople Easy Read Resources
CHANGE - Free Easy Read Resources - Blog (changepeople.org)
Mencap Accessible Information Standard
The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) | Mencap
Mencap: Advice on Challenging Behaviour
Challenging Behaviour - Learning Disability - Advice | Mencap
MentalHealth.org.uk: Mental Health in Children and Young People With Learning Disabilities
Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living - Suppourt with Independant living (Including Transport, Benefits, Suppourted employement, Community care, Holidays and respite information)
Home - Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCIL) (lothiancil.org.uk)