Children Aged 5-12
Developmental Delay
- Delayed development can sometimes become more apparent in school age children. If there is persistent delay in communication and social skills children often require a developmental assessment. This document provides more information for parents on the different types of developmental delay that may be seen. It also provides helpful information on conditions such as autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD: here.
- If you think your child could have dyslexia, this resource gives an introduction to what you should look out for and how you can get an assessment: here.
- If you are concerned that your child has a speech and language delay this resource provides useful top tips and detailed information on all aspects of speech delay: here.
- If you think your child is experiencing a delay in their physical development, such as issues with their motor skills, you get in contact with a Physiotherapist: 0131 312 2347 (Thursday mornings 9am-11am)

Bedwetting and Bowel Incontinence
This website provides useful interactive information on bedwetting and is a great resource for older children to go through by themselves. It provides useful tips on how to combat bedwetting in children: here.
Should My Child Stay off School /Nursery with current infective illness?
Children pick up many infections over their childhood years particularly viral illnesses. In the vast majority of cases this helps boost immune system in the long run building up a databank / memory of past infections. In subsequent years, going to adulthood, the mature immune system can recall on this memory bank and beat the infection more easily and quicker. In fact. The NHS childhood vaccination programme is based on this very theory.
There are some infections though that are important to avoid spreading to others due to the risk of severe illness associated with them (particularly individuals with weakened immune system or those who are pregnant) Thankfully, in the UK with the child vaccination programme, we don't see many of these illnesses except in rare localised outbreaks. Infections in which schools and nursery's are keen to know about and have timeline restrictions about when your child can come return can be viewed in this useful document: here.