Care Homes
At Bangholm medical practice we overlook 7 care homes in this area.
It is always wise to research what you would like to have in a care home, just like buying a house! Some may have different spaces, more socialising and less or more medical care.
There are four different types of care homes which are ;
Care Homes: These will provide and aid personal care such as washing, dressing, using the toilet and taking medications. They may also have social spaces and day trips.
Nursing homes: These supply personal care above with the addition of aiding some medical requirements and qualified nurses are employed here.
Care home with dementia care: These are specifically designed and staff are trained to make those with dementia feel most comfortable and safe.
Dual-registered care homes: This is a combination of personal and nursing care, therefore if situations change or progress where medical needs need to be met, it means the resident does not have to move homes.
Palliative care: This means that they are trained and have staff to aid in making the end of life as comfortable as possible.
AGE UK has a lot of information on this which can be found here.
There are 64 care homes in Edinburgh, click here to see them and get further information.
You can also search more specifically through Edinburgh Council here.